Pacific Rim Wiki
Pacific Rim Wiki

"Bone Slums"[1] are shanty towns (or otherwise noted) that are built around the remains of a Kaiju.


Following the aftermath of a battle between a Jaeger and a Kaiju, damage and contamination from the decomposing Kaiju carcass brought on from its death would leave the surrounding land uninhabitable for long periods of time. As a result, the land would no longer be considered hospitable or financially desirable.[2]

The Kaiju body parts that are left behind by the Pan Pacific Defense Corps are generally harvested by scavengers and black marketeers for profit until nothing except the Kaiju's bones remain. Though depreciated, individuals can choose to re-inhabit the land and rebuild in an environment that co-exists with the remains of the Kaiju.[2]

Hong Kong Bone Slums[]

In the aftermath of Reckoner's attack on Hong Kong in 2016[3], property values in the polluted areas caused by its blood plummeted[4], eventually resulting in a small shanty town that attracted crime and Kaiju cultists. Many buildings were constructed in or around Reckoner's skeleton and its skull would later even be used to house a temple for worship.

At some point before the United Nations abandoned the Jaeger Program in 2024, the Kaiju black marketeer Hannibal Chau decided to set up his base of operations in the back of a pharmacy located on the corner of Fong Road and Tull Street. As Newton Geiszler later discovered when he attempted to find Chau's shop on his own, a specific symbol that is only visible under blue light is necessary to find the pharmacy and gain entrance.




Concept Art[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Pacific Rim
  2. 2.0 2.1 Pacific Rim: A History of Jaegers
  3. Pacific Rim: Man, Machines & Monsters, page 132
  4. Pacific Rim, Director's Commentary
