Pacific Rim Wiki
Pacific Rim Wiki

In Soviet Vladivostok, Piston Punch You! Cherno Alpha Vs The World, a roleplay on centred around good ol' CHERNO.

"Set in an alternate universe where Striker Eureka was decommissioned before being sent to Hong Kong, Gipsy Danger was never rebuilt, Shaolin Rogue was never recovered (Which also means Newt never drifted with the Kaiju Brain), Otachi and Leatherback wasn't the first double event, Coyote Tango failed to deliver the nuke, and Cherno Alpha is presumably the last Jaeger remaining." - Tv Tropes on this thread.

Cherno does some awesome shit, defending Vladivostok Fuck Yeah!

Behold, this thread contained an EXCELLENT view of Cherno's cockpit controls!

This is a must-read for all fans of Cherno.

Slug out. DO SVIDANIYA Motherfuckers!
